Hello horror lovers and welcome to my review site!

Here you will find a mix of full-length and bite-sized reviews for horror-related movies, games, etc. For some of the movies I get a little, well, rabid and give away many/most of the details of the movie while for other movies, hopefully, I leave you salivating just enough to go check them out for yourself.

I’ll be working  to add new content to my existing categories (movies and games) and, hopefully, adding new categories (books!) whenever time permits. For now, you can check out my current reviews by using the top navigation or the following links:


About the layout:

I wanted a little more order than usually found in the blog format. It might be a little unorthodox (or maybe there’s a better way?) but I wanted to try to organize my posts so that each has its own page. Any “new post” will just link to the full page but at least that way I can still categorize the posts.

If you have any suggestions or feedback regarding the formatting or content of my reviews please let me know!

About “Rabid Fox”

One of my first memories is of being scared witless by a scene in American Werewolf in London when I was 2 or 3. I also grew up watching Dark Shadows reruns with mom so I guess I became enamored of monsters early on. I love that monsters can represent primal forces of nature, pure evil, and even sympathetic characters.  During those many years of being on the radar of every school bully monsters and horror became an escape for me. In those days before people dealt with things the cowards way (school shootings, etc.), I used to pour my anxieties into short stories that, by today’s standards, should have gotten me sent to the shrink. For me, horror was and still is catharsis.  Furthermore, I love that horror can tap into the primal fear center of my inner caveperson; the stories that stir the imagination, the bump-in-the-night noises that urge us to flee, the lurker in the shadows that, left to the imagination, can call up terror beyond comprehension, those things that inevitably provide an adrenaline rush (the addiction of choice for many of us) and that nagging sense of dread that lingers for days after the story is done.

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